
Senin, 15 April 2013

Informasi Kesehatan Diri

Informasi Kesehatan Diri Gadis

Data diri memang penting buat kita, tapi data seputar kesehatan rasanya nggak kepikiran, deh! Padahal ada informasi seputar kesehatan diri sendiri yang penting untuk diketahui. Data ini berguna saat kita menjalani pemeriksaan ke dokter, ingin ikutan donor darah atau saat menjalani kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan fisik. Info penting tersebut antara lain:

  • Golongan darah. Ini sering diminta, baik saat di rumah sakit/dokter maupun saat mengisi dokumen resmi.
  • Alergi. Kita harus tahu alergi yang pernah dialami (jika pernah mengalami) serta penyebabnya. Termasuk, alergi terhadap obat. Biasanya, hal ini akan ditanyakan oleh dokter sebelum ia memberikan obat. Jika tidak ditanya, sampaikan saja hal ini.
  • Sakit yang pernah dialami. Yaitu, penyakit yang tergolong berat. Seperti yang memerlukan waktu lama untuk pemulihan atau yang membuat kita harus rawat inap. Antara lain, gejala typus dan typus, Deman Berdarah Dengue (atau gejalanya), operasi amandel dan sebagainya.
  • Obat yang dikonsumsi. Jika ada obat dan vitamin yang sedang kita konsumsi, jangan lupakan nama/jenisnya. Seandainya kita diberikan obat/ vitamin tambahan dari dokter lain, misalnya dokter kulit atau dokter gigi, kita harus memberi tahu obat yang sedang kita konsumsi tersebut.
  • Riwayat kesehatan keluarga. Info ini bisa ditanyakan ke mama dan papa. Secara garis besar saja. Misalnya, apakah ada yang memiliki penyakit asma di keluarga atau alergi tertentu.
  • Makanan yang kita konsumsi. Jika kita ke dokter karena tidak enak badan/sakit, ingat-ingat apa saja yang kita konsumsi selama setidaknya 24 jam. Biasanya hal ini akan ditanyakan oleh dokter.  

Misteri Forbidden City

Misteri Forbidden City Gadis

Melihat “Kota Terlarang” alias Forbidden City mengingatkan kita dengan film-film tentang Kaisar China zaman dulu. Tempat yang terletak di daerah Beijing ini dulunya nggak boleh dimasuki orang selain keluarga kerajaan. 24 Kaisar China pernah memerintah di tempat ini. Sayangnya, banyak kisah kepemimpinan yang berakhir tragis. Hingga para “penghuninya” tidak mau pindah dari The Palace Museum ini.

Banyak cerita yang bikin bulu kuduk berdiri di bekas istana Kekaisaran China ini. Bila datang pada malam hari, kita bisa merasakan kehadiran makhluk gaib di sekitar kita. Coba tajamkan indera pendengaran kita. Samar-samar  bisa mendengar alunan musik tradisional China pada tengah malam dari kejauhan. Dekati arah bunyi-bunyian tersebut dan kita bisa melihat sekelompok kasim dan dayang sibuk melintas. Seramnya, orang-orang yang dilihat tersebut tidak menapak di atas tanah. Pengalaman ini sering dilaporkan oleh para penjaga malam tempat tersebut.

Seorang penjaga bernama Fat Fu pernah melihat perempuan berkeliaran di area Forbidden City saat  tengah malam. Ketika didekati, penjaga malam tersebut hanya bisa melihat rambut panjang perempuan itu saja. Saat sosok tersebut berada di bawah sinar bulan, baru disadari tidak memiliki wajah.

Selain itu, penjaga lain juga pernah melaporkan adanya penampakan binatang aneh dan perempuan berbaju putih yang sedang menangis. Namun, ketika didekati mahkluk-makhluk tersebut lenyap. Beberapa saksi mata juga sering mendengar suara keramaian seperti ada pesta di kompleks kerajaan tersebut.

Banyak orang percaya Kota Terlarang ini sebagai tempat yang terkutuk. Hal ini dikait-kaitkan dengan pembantaian 2800 orang yang dilakukan oleh Kaisar Yongle pada 1421. Pembunuhan ini dilakukan karena hasutan seorang kasim istana. Arwah-arwah penasaran korban kekejaman kaisar tersebut hingga saat ini dianggap masih berkeliaran. Ayu, Enny – Foto: Fotosearch

Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Jerawat

Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Jerawat

Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Jerawat Gadis

Kalau masalah utama yang bikin kamu nggak pede adalah noda bekas jerawat yang terdapat pada wajah, jangan bingung lagi, girls! Ada beberapa cara mudah yang bisa kamu lakukan.
Cara terbaik untuk menghilangkan noda bekas jerawat adalah dengan melakukan beberapa kebiasaan baru dan menghilangkan kebiasaan buruk, seperti:
  • Hindari memegang wajah dengan tangan kotor, karena akan membuat bakteri mudah masuk ke dalam pori-pori wajah.
  • Setelah bangun tidur di pagi hari, segera minum minimal segelas air putih yang akan memperlancar peredaran darah dan metabolisme tubuh.
  • Pada saat mandi, cucilah muka dengan pembersih yang sesuai dengan kondisi kulit. Sebaiknya, pilih pembersih yang mengandung anti jerawat dan pencegah minyak berlebih.
  • Sebelum menggunakan makeup, pastikan untuk membersihkan wajah terlebih dahulu. Ini akan mencegah minyak dan kotoran menutupi bekas jerawat.
  • Malam hari sebelum tidur, sebaiknya gunakan moisturizer untuk menjaga kulit wajah tetap lembap dan ternutrisi.
Sedangkan untuk perawatan alami, kamu bisa menggunakan dua bahan berikut:

Putih telur
: mengandung asam amino dan protein tinggi yang dapat menutup bekas luka jerawat serta mencerahkan kulit.

Cara membuat masker: pecahkan 3 telur dan ambil putihnya saja. Taruh dalam mangkuk, lalu aduk hingga mengembang berwarna putih. Aplikasikan pada luka bekas jerawat dan sekitarnya selama 10 menit, lalu bilas hingga bersih.

Minyak zaitun: mengandung banyak vitamin dan antioksidan yang dapat menutrisi kulit wajah.

Cara mengaplikasikan: sebelum tidur, oleskan minyak zaitun pada bekas luka dan diamkan selama 15 menit. Lalu bilas perlahan dengan handuk hangat

GlamGlow Mud Mask

Saat mendengar kata mud mask, mungkin kamu langsung terbayang bentuk lumpur yang dioleskan ke wajahmu. Eits, mud mask yang satu ini berbeda. GlamGlow mengemasnya dengan bentuk yang lebih menarik.

GlamGlow adalah brand yang didirikan oleh Glenn & Shannon Dellimore pada tahun 2010, khusus untuk kebutuhan di balik layar Hollywood. Keduanya sangat mengerti kebutuhan para superstar untuk mendapatkan kulit indah berkilau setiap saat. Karena itulah, pasangan ini membuat inovasi mud mask.

Mud mask dari GlamGlow ini terdiri dari berbagai kandungan bahan alam yang tidak biasa, seperti French Sea Clay, Volcanic Pumice Rock dan Green Tea Leaf Pieces. Paduan ini berfungsi untuk mengangkat racun-racun pada kulit, menghilangkan sel kulit mati, melembutkan, melembapkan serta menjadikan kulit tampak berkilau. Cara pakainya juga simpel, yaitu:
  • Cuci mukamu terlebih dahulu hingga bersih.
  • Oleskan masker pada seluruh wajah, bisa juga digunakan pada leher dan dada.
  • Tunggu hingga masker mengering.
  • Bilas masker dengan gerakan memutar. Hal ini berfungsi untuk membuat sel kulit mati terkelupas.
  • Pakai dua kali seminggu secara teratur.

5 Langkah Membersihkan Kuas Makeup

5 Langkah Membersihkan Kuas Makeup Gadis

Kalau sebelumnya GADIS sempat membahas berbagai jenis makeup yang penting kita miliki, sekarang kita lihat yuk gimana cara membersihkannya. Penting banget untuk rutin menjaga kebersihannya, karena kuas ini langsung menyentuh kulit wajah kita. 
  • Isi air hangat kedalam wadah gelas.
  • Masukkan sabun bayi atau cairan pembersih kuas ke dalam air tersebut.
  • Celupkan kuas kedalam gelas yang berisi campuran air dan sabun tadi. Pastikan semua kuas terendam dalam air, ya. Diamkan selama 30 menit sampai air berubah menjadi kecokelatan karena sisa-sisa dari makeup.
  • Setelah 30 menit, ganti air yang sudah kotor dengan air dingin yang bersih. Lalu, celupkan kembali kuasmu selama 15 menit.
  • Setelah 15 menit bilas dengan air bersih dan keringkan menghadap ke bawah secara alami.

Selasa, 09 April 2013

Yuke Mantap Nikahi Teges Prita Soraya

View the original article here

Senin, 08 April 2013

Best Friend Story

Salah satu cara buat bikin kita makin kompak sama sahabat adalah dengan memakai outfit yang serasi dengannya. Outfit serasi ini bukan berarti harus kembar, lho. Lihat inspirasinya di sini dan siap-siap kalian akan menjadi pusat perhatian!

Best Friend Story Gadis
Mestika Nasution – Model: Gaby, Tasia  Rias Wajah & Rambut: Ariya Wibowo, Baju & Aksesori: PICNIC (all dresses), Pengarah Gaya: Nabila Delaseptina, Lokasi: KARE Design, Senayan City , Foto: Tody Harianto, Digital Imaging:


Tampil retro nggak berarti kuno. Selipkan sentuhan berbeda pada gayamu dengan menggunakan item keren yang sempat hits di masa lalu. Yup, fashion is always go in circle!

Retrospective Gadis
Model: Gita Virga - Baju & Aksesori: SASH (shirt)

Very Colorfoil Manicure

Setelah detil caviar dan velvet, kali ini Ciate by Sephora kembali memberi kejutan manis bagi para nail art lovers. Mereka mengeluarkan Very Colorfoil Manicure, dengan efek kilau keren yang siap menemani penampilanmu.

Charlotte Knight, Creative Director dari Sephora mengaku terisnpirasi dari berbagai aksesoris metalik yang menghiasi London Fashion Week 2013. Eksperimen para street styler juga memberinya ide untuk membuat Very Colorfoil Manicure. Koleksi limited edition ini dilengkapi dengan tiga pilihan tema, yaitu Carnival Couture dengan efek rainbow hologram, tekstur dan motif menarik pada Kaleidoscope Klash, serta Wonderland yang dilengkapi warna-warna soft. 

Selain bisa jadi aksen pada penampilan, cara pakainya juga mudah, lho. Berikut langkah-langkahnya:
  1. Jika kamu masih memakai kuteks, bersihkan kukumu terlebih dahulu dengan menggunakan nail polish remover.
  2. Pakailah base color nail polish, bisa diulang hingga 1-2 kali.
  3. Oleskan foil fix glue, diamkan hingga kering. Foil fix glue ini sudah termasuk dalam paket foil nail.
  4. Tempelkan foil pada kukumu dan rapihkan sisa foil.

Nabila Delaseptina - Foto:

Velvet Nail Manicure

Para pecinta nail art harus coba velvet nail art dari Ciate ini! Selain terlihat unik dan sophisticated, nail art ini juga cukup mudah diaplikasikan. Dengan memakai nail manicure kit dari Ciate ini,  kukumu akan terlihat keren dan elegan.
Velvet nail manicure dari Ciate ini punya dua warna andalan yaitu Nail Polish in Cabaret/Purple Crushed Velvet Powder dan Nail Polish in Cream Soda/Grey Crushed Velvet Powder. Cara mengaplikasikan velvet nail ini cukup dengan menggunakan nail polish-nya terlebih dahulu, yang disesuaikan dengan warna velvet powder-nya. Lalu, baurkan velvet powder di seluruh kukumu dan diamkan hingga kering selama 10 menit. Rapikan kukumu dengan menggunakan kuas khusus manicure atau kuas eyeshadow yang ukurannya kecil. Simpel banget, kan?

Mestika Nasution – Foto:

Your Fragrance Your Identity

Fragrance adalah salah satu item penting untuk kecantikan yang tidak boleh kita lupakan, untuk membuat tubuh tetap wangi sepanjang hari. Selain packagingnya yang semakin menarik, fragrance juga akan menegaskan gaya dan menunjukkan kepribadianmu di berbagai situasi. Seperti beberapa fragrance berikut ini:

Pleats Please dari Issey Miyake

Fragrance ini untuk kamu yang aktif dan stylish. Dengan desain botol yang mengikuti Bio Bag (salah satu tas dari Issey Miyake’s Pleats Collection) dan tutup bunga putih yang stylish. Wanginya adalah percampuran buah-buahan asia seperti apel dan pear yang segar, serta sentuhan feminin yang unik dari peony, sweet pea, vanilla dan white musk. Comtemporary yet timeless.

Flora dari Gucci

Fragrance yang terinpirasi dari putri-putri kerajaan masa lampau dengan wangi bunga yang ringan cocok sekali untuk kamu yang girlie. Packaging-nya pun sangat manis dan elegan.

Lala dari Juicy Couture

Fragrance dengan gaya girly punk rock, cocok untuk kamu yang berjiwa bebas namun tetap klasik khas Juicy Couture. Campuran wangi buah mandarin dan bunga memberikan kesan unexpected, daring and always couture.

Spring Cherry dari L’occitane

Fragrance yang berasal dari pohon cherry dan wangi bunga ini membawa angin segar Spring/Summer collection. Wanginya yang ringan, cocok dipakai setiap hari untuk kamu yang super girlie dan suka segala sesuatu yang simpel.

Ferisa Nabila Natassa – Foto :,,,

Jenis Sikat Maskara

Sebagian besar dari kita, pasti bingung saat ingin membeli maskara yang tepat. Apalagi sekarang maskara hadir dalam berbagai jenis sikat yang berbeda. Penting banget untuk mengenali beragam jenis dan manfaat dari masing-masing bentuk sikat maskara. Ini dia panduannya:

Curves Brush Mascara - Big Brush Mascara - Straight Brush Mascara
Curves Brush Mascara: bentuk sisir sikatnya melengkung, cocok buat kamu yang pengin menambahkan efek bulu mata “ngangkat” dan lentik.

Big Brush Mascara: bentuknya besar dan kadang membuat maskara menggumpal. Tapi tetap banyak peminatnya, karena memudahkan pemakaian formula maskara dalam jumlah banyak dan hasilnya ekstra tebal.

Straight Brush Mascara: jenis sisir sikat maskara yang paling populer. Bentuknya lurus dan mudah digunakan, terutama bagi si bulu mata pendek untuk menjangkau bulu mata bagian dalam.

Bottom Lashes Mascar - Comb Shaped Mascara - Long Brush Mascara

Bottom Lashes Mascara: sengaja diciptakan untuk bulu mata bawah dan untuk kamu yang memiliki bulu mata pendek. Hasilnya, bulu mata rapi dan maskara nggak menggumpal.

Comb Shaped Mascara: berbentuk seperti sikat, lurus atau melengkung. Diciptakan untuk menambah volume, memanjangkan dan memisahkan bulu mata, sekaligus mencegah penggumpalan maskara.

Long Brush Mascara: berfungsi untuk memanjangkan bulu mata. Banyak direkomendasikan untuk mendapatkan bulu mata panjang terpisah yang terkesan alami.
Vibrating Mascara - The Spherical Brush Mascara - Rubber Wand Mascara
Vibrating Mascara: teknologi getar pada sikat maskara ini cocok digunakan buat kamu yang tangannya sering nggak stabil saat memakai maskara.

The Spherical Brush Mascara: sisir sikatnya berbentuk bulat kecil untuk memudahkan pengaplikasian maskara secara terpisah pada tiap helaian bulu mata, dengan gerakan berputar.

Rubber Wand Mascara: walaupun nggak bisa memuat banyak formula maskara pada saat pengaplikasiannya (dibandingkan dengan sisir sikat maskara pada umumnya), sisir sikat karet ini dapat mencegah penggumpalan maskara dan dapat memisahkan helaian bulu mata yang menciptakan tampilan natural sehari-hari. Lucia Leaf – Foto: FotoSearch

Must Have Makeup Brushes

Ada berbagai macam jenis kuas untuk memaksimalkan tampilan makeup-mu. Beberapa kuas di bawah ini termasuk yang wajib kita miliki. Kenali dulu fungsi dan bentuknya, yuk!

Eye Liner

Kuas eyeliner berbentuk kecil, datar, sedikit bengkok serta bagian bulu kuasnya tipis dan runcing.  Gunakan kuas ini untuk eyeliner gel atau eyeshadow cream, untuk diaplikasikan di bagian kelopak mata atas dan bawah.

Fluffy Eyeshadow

Kuas eyeshadow ini bentuknya bulat  dengan bulu kuas yang lembut dan tebal, jadi cocok untuk mencampur warna eyeshadow. Selain itu, karena tekstur kuasnya lembut,  bisa juga digunakan untuk mengaplikasikan bedak di wajah.


Foundation brush berbentuk datar dan bagian bulu kuasnya sedikit pipih dan tebal. Gunakan kuas foundation ini untuk membantu meratakan base bedak tanpa finger marks agar wajah tidak terlihat belang.


Kuas lipstik yang baik biasanya mempunyai  handle yang panjang dan ujung kuas yang pendek namun sedikit keras. Kuas lipstik ini juga bisa membantu kita saat ingin mengoreksi bibir agar terlihat sempurna. 

Oscar Blandi Pronto Dry Shampoo

Rambut lepek memang nyebelin banget dan bikin jadi nggak percaya diri.  Tapi kamu nggak usah panik. Karena sekarang ada dry shampoo dari Oscar Blandi. Apa sih, dry shampoo itu?

Oscar Blandi adalah seorang hairstylist ternama yang sudah menangani banyak artis Hollywood, seperti Jessica Alba, Katie Holmes, Jennifer Lopez dan masih banyak lagi. Keahliannya dalam bidang tata rambut memang sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Ia sangat mengerti bahwa semua wanita pasti menginginkan rambut indah secara instan. Maka dari itu, Oscar mengembangkan inovasi dry shampoo.

Mungkin item ini masih jarang banget kamu dengar atau temui. Sebenarnya fungsinya hampir sama dengan shampoo biasa. Yang membedakan adalah shampoo ini tidak perlu dibilas. Produk ini dapat menyerap minyak berlebih pada kulit kepala dan menambah volume rambut hanya dalam waktu 5-10 menit saja. Ada tiga variasi yang dikeluarkan oleh Oscar Blandi, yaitu Dry Shampoo Spray, Pronto Dry Shampoo Powder dan Invisible Volumizing Dry Shampoo.

Cara pakainya gampang banget, lho!  
  • Semprotkan atau taburkan shampoo ini pada kulit kepala. Jika menggunakan jenis spray, jaga jaraknya sekitar 30 cm.
  • Pijat kulit kepala secara perlahan.
  • Rapikan rambut dengan cara menyisirnya.
  • Kamu juga bisa styling rambutmu dengan menggunakan flat iron atau curly iron.

Temukan dry shampoo ini di counter Oscar Blandi di Kota Kasablanka atau Plaza Senayan, Jakarta. Nabila Delaseptina – Foto : doc. Oscar Blandi

Bamboo Lotion

Bamboo Lotion Gadis

Mungkin kamu pernah mendengar tentang masker dari ekstrak bambu yang bermanfaat untuk menyehatkan akar rambut. Nah, sekarang ekstrak bambu juga hadir dalam bentuk lotion yang bisa jadi sahabat baru buat kulitmu.

Ekstrak bambu berasal dari daun dan batang bambu yang lunak, yang kaya akan silica (nutrisi penting bagi tubuh). Silica ini berperan besar untuk kesehatan kulit, bahkan bisa menghilangkan eksim dan penyakit kulit lainnya. Caranya, dengan membantu tubuh menyerap mineral penting, seperti kalsium, potasium, dan magnesium. Ekstrak bambu juga memiliki kandungan anti iritasi yang dapat mendinginkan kulit, mengandung antioksidan dan membuat kulit terlihat glowing.

Lotion ini akan sangat efektif bila digunakan setelah kamu selesai mandi. Karena saat itu kondisi kulitmu sedang dalam keadaan lembap, sehingga lotion lebih mudah menyerap ke dalam kulit. Ulangi lagi pemakaiannya tiap kali kulitmu terasa kering.

Minggu, 07 April 2013

The Ugly Truth About Exercise Equipment

You have probably all seen the various fitness equipment commercials. The claims made in these commercials tend to stretch credibility to the limit. You are invited to "Get the perfect abs in 10 minutes a day" or even " Have a sculpted body in no time." Each machine claims to use cutting edge technology with the express purpose to get you in shape and lose pounds with a minimal effort. Oh boy! If it was only that simple.

We all desire to look great and feel healthy but you have to put some work in. This usually takes the form of a vigorous exercise schedule combined with a properly balanced diet. In order to lose weight and achieve a well toned body you will have to burn calories on a regularly basis. You don't have to be a genius to figure that out.

There is a plethora of fitness equipment on the market and most are just fads which are fashionable for a few months then disappear never to see the light of day again. There is, however, one that is still a major player, and that is the treadmill. Torso Track, Total Gym 1000/2000, Ab Sculptor, Ab Rockers, Ab Doers, Slam Man, Thighmasters, Toning System, Door Gym, Orbitrek are the latest thing one day and then forgotten the next.

You may ask yourself why you never see treadmills sold on infomercials? The reason is simple. It is because it is not a high profit, hyped up, exercise gadget, which is more the product of clever marketing than a serious piece of exercise equipment. Most infomercial equipment is designed for just one purpose, to make as much money as soon as possible before people discover that they don't work. Most of the price of this equipment is used in order to market it.

So who would possibly want to buy this stuff? Usually it is people who mistakenly believe that there are shortcuts to weight loss and getting in shape. Achieving your fitness goals requires that you put in some work and the results will not happen over night. No machine is going to produce the results you desire without commitment from yourself.

Have you ever seen any infomercial equipment at a health club? No, because they don't work and they're not built to last. What you will see, however, are a number of treadmills, often with people waiting their turn to use them.

It really boils down to this. Getting fit is really the prodcut of two things - time and effort. The more time and effort you put into exercising the more calories you are going to burn and the more weight you will lose. If you are looking for fitness equipment that will maximize your efforts, then a Treadmill is the obvious choice.

The Treadmill Sensei's Home Buyers Guide to Choosing an Elliptical Trainer

Over the past few years Elliptical trainers have taken the fitness industry by storm. What was once a fad relegated to late night infomercials is now perhaps the single most dominant piece of equipment at the majority of gyms and personal training centers.

Let's start with the guide by taking a look at the differences between a treadmill and an elliptical trainer. The most immediate thing you're going to notice is that the elliptical is almost entirely impact free. This means you will no longer be subjected to the lower joint pain most associated with running. Even a treadmill with great shock absorbtion and an orthopedic belt, while better than running on pavement, will still abuse your knees and ankles.

On the flip side, a treadmill is much better for targeted training for joggers and runners. You can't really train properly for a marathon on an elliptical. As close as the feel of an elliptical is to walking or running, it's still not as good as actually running.

Now, let's take a look at the "pain" of running. Recent studies have shown people to work out hard and longer on ellipticals because the perceived amount of effort seems to be much less. The more "comfortable" a work out, the longer and hard someone will go. This is one of the main reasons a lot of seniors and older exercisers have taken to the elliptical so readily.

Another glaring difference is the crosstraining arms most ellipticals have (with a few exceptions such as the majority of the Precor elliptical units). With the addition of the crosstraining bars, the elliptical allows you an additional aspect in your work out -- strength training. Almost all fitness experts agree that all proper workouts need a strength training aspect and the elliptical packages it with the cardio training quite nicely.

Let's talk about what to look for in an elliptical trainer. First, which is better, a front wheel or rear wheel elliptical. Truth be told, they both work exactly the same. Anyone who tells you differently is just trying to see you a bill of goods. They give you the exact same workout. The only real difference is if you're a larger person or if you're on a lighter weight (or less sturdy) machine. In this case, the front drives will definitely feel quite a bit sturdier. This is because when you work out on an elliptical, you are throwing all of your weight forward. Having the drive and heavy flywheel up front will help to balance you out. Larger flywheels are better as they tend to last longer and give more sturdiness to a machine.

Most elliptical trainers have magnetic brakes and you don't want to mess with anything else. The old friction based brakes tended to wear out too quickly, so stay away from any dinosaur machines that still use them.

Stride is one of the most important features on an elliptical because they have the most to do with comfort. Longer strides are better on ellipticals -- unless, of course, you're a shorter person, but for most people strides of 18" or longer are best. Personally, I've find 20-21 inch strides to be the best for anyone up to about 6'4". Anything shorter than 18" will be uncomfortable for most people.

Footpads: make sure the unit you are looking at has articulating footpads. The reason for this is because elliptical traininers with static footpads (such as the Tunturi units) can cause your feet to start to go numb on longer work outs. This is from the lack of circulation caused by the static pedals. Looks for footpads that flex with your feet. You'll thank the sensei for it.

Things like programs, heart rate control and personal fans are nice, but the above points are the main things to keep an eye on. Also, try out the feel of the way you mount an elliptical. There are two varieties of mounting -- side mount machines (such as the Precor 546 or Star Trac Rear Drive) and rear mount machines (such as the Matrix E5x or Horizon EX44). Some people have a bit of difficulty on mounting from the side and should look at rear drive options. As with the position of the flywheel, rear-mount versus side-mount ellipticals work exactly the same way.

The best way to pick out an elliptical is to head out to either a gym or local sports retailer and give them a try. Be warned, tho, once you work out on a commercial grade elliptical, it's hard to transition over to a residential grade one. The top of the line commercial ellipticals are by Star Trac, Matrix, Precor and Life Fitness. The top residential grade ellipticals include Horizon, New Balance and Endurance. Fitnex and Spirit / Sole are great mid range brands that do an exellent job of giving commercial quality work outs for not much more than a residential price.

The Landice Treadmill Mystery Solved

Moshi Moshi!

I had planned to do a detailed review of the Landice L7 Executive treadmill today, but Mrs. Sensei has laid down the law and I only have a few minutes to post a review on this fine July 4th holiday -- the DOJO itself is empty and all of the other senseis are off work and at home enjoying their families. Look for the full review tomorrow, but for today enjoy a quick rundown of the differences between the numerous models of Landice treadmills out on the market.

If you'vee spent time looking at Landice treadmills then you've probably noticed they have a large number of units available and the differences between them aren't always as obvious as they should be. Here is a guide to comparing the different models, full commercial and light commercial.

At each level (L7, L8 and L9), the only difference between a Pro Sports Trainer, a Cardio Trainer and an Executive trainer is going to be the console. The Landice Pro Sports Trainer Treadmill has the lowest end, basic display, and the Landice Executive treadmills have the highest end (really spiffy, if you ask me) displays. The difference in the consoles is very obvious upon viewing.

The differences of each Landice treadmill level (L7, L8 and L9) is going to be the size of the rollers and the length of the deck. The higher the number, the heaver and larger the rollers and the longer the treadmill deck.

The LTD versus the Club style is an easy one as well. LTD means the unit is light commercial and Club means the unit is full commercial -- meaning it is rated to run for a higher number of hours per week (full commercial usually means 100+ hours of use per week). The LTDs come in 110v and the Clubs in 220v or 110v. If you're using a Landice Club treadmill in your home, make sure to request 110v or you may not be able to run it properly.

And there you go, the mystery of the Landice treadmills is solved!

-The Treadmill Sensei

Trampoline Basics

Trampolines are a wonderful thing, I don’t know if you have noticed but in the last few years more and more people are getting a trampoline for their backyard. My neighbor got one a few years ago and every time his kids would come and visit the grandchildren would spend most of their time on the trampoline or in its environment.

Some people think that trampolines are mainly used by kids, that trampolines are mere toys for kids to jump around and have fun. People are beginning to discover that a trampoline can be used for physical fitness for children as well as adults. While there is a certain level of convenience associated with purchasing a special fitness trampoline, it isn’t necessary to receive the benefits of trampoline exercise. The same kind of trampoline that is used by children can be used by adults as well.

Working out on a trampoline is very different from any other traditional exercise we know, which makes it a fun activity. The workout is even a little more challenging since most adults need to learn how to master the trampoline, and from my experience, what sometimes looks like an easy task may prove to be much more difficult…

The aerobics associated with jumping on a fitness trampoline strengthens the heart in the same way as other cardio exercises like running and jumping rope. This increase in cardio rate encourages energy use and weight loss. Spending five to eight minutes doing trampoline exercise is like running a mile, only with less time and effort. Trampoline exercise tones muscles in the lower half of the body. The legs, thighs, hips, stomach, and abdomen are all used when exercising on a fitness trampoline. The trampoline workout can also be a fun activity for all the family, it is fun to watch and once you learn how to use it properly you can also contribute your opinion, and improve the workout altogether.

Trampoline jumping improves coordination many athletes and gymnasts use trampolines for this reason. Jumping on a trampoline isn’t just about bounding up and down. There is some level of skill involved in reaching a good height and landing in the right way. As I mentioned before, the mere task of getting the hang of the trampoline is a challenge, although it may take some time, once you get the trampoline basics in your blood, you will be addicted to it, and to the constant improvement in your workout. As you learn to master the trampoline, you will probably get higher and more energy efficient while on the trampoline.

A small trampoline, or rebound trampoline, is ideal for those who have knee injuries. Since smaller trampolines are not designed for high jumping, there is less pressure on the joints during exercise. Other benefits of a fitness trampoline include improvements in breathing through increased capacity of lungs, reduction in stress and tension, lowers cholesterol levels, and increases energy levels. A fitness trampoline is a good way to get exercise for people who have joint issues that keep them from jogging and running.

A trampoline is a great way of staying in shape and enjoying it, why not try to use a trampoline and see if its something you can enjoy?

Tips For Purchasing Fitness Equipment

Home fitness equipment is a great investment. Exercising in the privacy of your home offers both easy access and stability to your daily work out. Unfortunately, most newbie exercises make big mistakes when purchasing their first piece of fitness equipment. The first mistake fitness equipment buyers make is to purchase a machine with too many features.

First of all more features means more money. In the case of fitness equipment more money does not mean better quality. Many of the electronic features fitness equipments offers are never used or used very rarely. This is because most people can not figure out how to accurately use the computer and give up. The basic fitness equipment attributes are all that you need. Just like buying a car or a piece of furniture check for building quality. Ask yourself is the equipment well put together, sturdy, durable, and stable. Good construction combined with a quiet machine are the only real qualities you need to look for in a treadmill. The same is true for all fitness equipment.

Make sure you try out the equipment before buying it. The first place to start is a gym, buy a month membership and go in and see what you like and hate. Once you find a piece of fitness equipment you are interested in then go out to several stores and try their machines. Make sure you wear your exercise clothes and exercise shoes. Most fitness machines look great just sitting them, turn it on and use for a good twenty minutes. Weight machines should be used for at least 20 repetitions. Do not be afraid to try something out of your price range. Have fun when you go out looking, see what the high end equipment offers and what features you can do without and then purchase your fitness equipment accordingly.

If you are beginner in the exercise world, do not buy something complicated or hard to use or setup. You will not use, and you have wasted your money. Many of the high end fitness equipment require the coordination of upper and lower bodies which can be quite overwhelming for people who are less experienced with exercise routines. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Do not be afraid to ask for an information sheet and inquire about all costs. Look for discounts and sales. Many fitness equipment sellers will offer to put together your new fitness equipment and deliver it for you no extra cost or a small fee – let them! For an extra hundred you will not have the headache of assembly and you will make sure the piece of equipment is put together correctly.

The Key to a Great Body is Great Body Building Equipment

Choosing great body building equipment is vital to your success in this industry. There are several things to consider when shopping for your body building equipment. It is also important to note that each piece of exercise equipment is important in its own way.

For example you will have to consider price at least somewhat when you are looking for new and better body building equipment. You only have so much money to spend on your body building equipment and unfortunately, you cannot spend what you do not have. Even credit cards only go up so high right? Therefore, start looking for body building equipment within your budget range and you will be much better off.

It is a good idea to go into each store with a clear idea of how much money you have to spend on your body building equipment. This way you can just ask the person helping you to show you only the body building equipment that is in this price range. This will keep you from feeling bad about the great body building equipment that you cannot buy and the body building equipment that you can buy will look that much better to you as a result.

You also need to have a clear picture of what your goals are. When you are shopping in the body building equipment store ask the workers what they feel might be the best choice for what you want to achieve. They should have a good idea of what body building equipment is best for what part of the body etc.

There are many different kinds of body building equipment, there are free weights, and there are machines that are all connected as one piece. Which of these types of body building equipment should you choose for your body building needs? If your main goal is just to bulk up then you will want to choose free weights because these will be more for this type of goal. On the other hand, you will get more exercise options with a machine as your main piece of body building equipment. In addition, free weights as your main kind of body building equipment can grow to be quite the pain in the butt, as you have to take bits on and off all of the time. Ultimately, it is up to you, whichever kind of body building equipment you are most comfortable with is your best option.

The Home Buyers Guide to Choosing a Treadmill

Moshi Moshi!

Hello again from the Far East on the West Coast, and greetings from the DOJO. This week, before I get in to the nuts and bolts of the treadmills and the ellipticals I work on, I'm going to start with a quick guide to how to choose a treadmill -- well, how to choose a residential / home grade treadmill. Choosing a commercial treadmill tends to be a bit easier -- go Star Trac, Matrix, Landice or Life Fitness and, in spite of their great ellipticals, avoid Precor treadmills. Precor is a great company, they just don't quite have treadmills down as well as the other companies. With the commercial treadmills it's kind of like choosing between a BMW, a Mercedes and a Lexus. It's all about bells and whistles more than performance...they're all great machines and we'll talk about them another time.

Home treadmills are a tough sea to navigate for most buyers -- there are so many different brands and they all look alike to outsiders. Luckily, over the past 20 or so years, I've had to repair just about every treadmill ever made. In other words, my pain will be your salvation!

My first piece of advice is: avoid anything and everything from Icon Health and Fitness. They're the manufacturer of the units you'll find at places like Sears -- nothing against Sears, but the treadmills they sell tend to be on the lower end of the quality scale. Their treadmills seem to have specs that are too good to be true for their cost and, truth be told, they are. The old proverb, "you get what you pay for" comes in to play with them. Small motors with high RPMs to give them a perceived higher horsepower (most of their motors should really be rated at under 1.5 HP regardless of what they tell you -- a motor the size of a soda can should not be powering a full sized treadmill!), lots of plastic pieces, tiny rollers, and generally unstable machines are par for the course for the Icon brands like Proform, Weslo, Healthrider and Image. Just stay away from them! There are better treadmills even at the more affordable prices that Icon tempts the unlearned consumer with.

On with translating the arcane lore that is treadmill purchasing for the lay person.

Let's start with the motor. The first thing you want to do is make sure the motor is rated with "Continuous Duty." Any sales person or manufacturer who gives you a "Peak" rating is trying to sell you a bag of magic beans. Peak is best described as the maximum a motor will perform at before it breaks down. What's more imporant is: how the heck is that motor going to perform when you're actually using it? Another thing a shady salesperson might mention is that a common home circuit (120v/15amps) will only let you run about 2.5 HP and any motor larger than that is a waste of money. Technically that is true (about the amps vs. HP, not the waste of money), but the larger motors will tend to last longer as they are not running at the higher RPMs of a smaller motor. And, if nothing else, the larger the motor, the smoother the "ride." A bigger motor will allow you to run or walk on it without slipping.

The next thing to look at is the size of a treadmill's rollers. The bigger the rollers, the longer your belt will last and the better the running experience.

Next, and this is my favorite thing -- especially when recommending cardio equipment to my in-laws -- the warranty. Like anything else, the better the warranty the more piece of mind you will have. The 5 year parts warranty on Spirit treadmills, for example, is one of the best in the business. For me, the more faith a manufacturer has in its own product (i.e. the warranty), the more faith I have in that product. Of course, doing repairs I absolutely love the lower end warranties as it means more paying work for me!

What's next? The weight and stability of the machine. There is nothing worse than getting on a treadmill and having it move back and forth, or shake, or, even worse, creak as you run on it. The heavier the unit the longer it will last. If you're used to running on a treadmill at your local gym and then get on most home units, you'll immediately notice the difference. You don't want to be running around on something that feels like it is going to fall apart now do you? Don't answer, that was a rhetorical treadmill question.

The tread and the deck are where most problems for treadmills happen. When the friction from your running builds up between the deck and the tread, the badness begins. Stick with the 4-ply belts/treads that help to reduce the amount of friction, and look at units with reversable, phenolic wax coated decks. Reversable decks let you flip over your running surface to use the opposite side when the original wears down. It's like having a free second deck if you wear out the first one.

Programs. Don't be fooled by this. Most people only wind up using 3-4 programs. If the treadmill has 20, that's cool, but you'll rarely use them. If you do heart rate training, then heart rate control is great. If not, it's just an extra you'll never the clock you've never set on your VCR.

Speed and Incline are worth talking about. Most treadmills can go up to about 10 miles per hour and a 10 degree incline. Don't let speed or incline become a deciding factor unless you're doing a lot of high speed or high incline training. Obviously, electronically controlled speed and incline are the way to go. If those feature are manual just move on.

Finally, test out the shock absorbtion. You want to make sure you aren't running on a hard surface. This is a "feel" thing more than a "scientific" one. If the deck is bouncy, move on. If the deck feels like running on concrete, move on. If the deck moves from side to side, move on. You want to find a deck that feels good, with just enough give and little to no lateral motion.

Beyond that fans, speakers, cup holders, magazine racks and even television sets on the treadmill's console are all just icing on the cake. It's better to get a good treadmill without a fan or TV and spend $50 to buy your own than to get a crappy, fully loaded treadmill which will eventually just become an expensive coat rack for dirty clothes.

Now, I know I alread typed "finally" but there is one last piece to consider: PRICE. You can only get what you can get but don't be fooled into buying a lemon. There are decent (and some downright Great) treadmills at just about every price point. I'll go over some of the best, at least in my experience, treadmills in the under $1000 range in the next week.

Don't despair, there is a good treadmill out there you can actually afford!

-The Treadmill Sensei

The Treadmill Sensei's guide on how to replace your treadmill belt


A question I get asked a lot here at the DOJO (and by my wife's pesky relatives) is: How the heck do I replace a damaged treadmill belt?

If you find your belt slipping, or your deck slowing down and stop, or if the edges of your treadmill belt look worn, frayed or curls up, then you may need to have your treadmill belt replaced. Luckily, replacing the belt isn't as hard as you'd think.

The very first thing you're going to want to do is take a look at your treadmill deck. If the deck looks to be in good shape then there is a good chance it just needs to be lubricated (or waxed). If you see signs of wear such as scratches or grooves then both the deck and belt are probably going to need to be replaced.

If the deck appears fine but your belt is torn, curling or frayed, it's time to replace the treadmill belt. Thankfully, treadmill manufacturers have made it pretty easy to replace a belt even if you're not the Treadmill Sensei.

Most important: Turn your treadmill off and remove the power cord! This way you don't get shocked and you'll guarantee the treadmill doesn't turn on while you're working on it. That would be bad. If your treadmill inclines (which most do), adjusting it a few degrees may make the operation a little easier for you.

You loosen the belt adjustment screws in the back of your treadmill's deck and then slide the rear roller forward and away from the belt. Remove the front roller and then the rear roller. There will be a number of screws along the sides of the deck which attach the deck to the rest of the treadmill. Remove those and you'll be able to remove your deck.

At this point you can slide your belt off. Now is a perfect time to go ahead and lubricate your deck as well. From there, put on your new belt and reassemble your deck.

Taking the time to wax your treadmill deck while the belt is off may be a good idea. It'll keep you from having to do it all over again later on.

Finally, once you have it all back together you're going to want to test the adjustment. Start your treadmill at a slow speed and walk on it firmly. If the belt stops, hesitates or changes speed then you're going to need to adjst the rear screws. Adjust as needed until you are sure the belt isn't slipping or changing speed.

And there you have it, how to replace a treadmill belt.

-The Treadmill Sensei

The pros and cons of owning your own treadmill.

While treadmills are a great alternative to real running and complicated exercises, however, they are not without their downsides.

To start off with, treadmills can be very expensive, especially if you buy one with all the luxurious special features. By the time you add in sales taxes, delivery charges and all the rest, you’re looking at a pretty significant chunk of change. Of course, there’s nothing saying that you need to get one with absolutely every feature around – if it’s your first treadmill, you’ll be absolutely fine with a more basic model, whatever the salesman might tell you.

The next problem is that treadmills can be very large, and there might not be space in your house. Again, this problem is quite easily solved, as long as you keep your wits about you and realise exactly how big the treadmill you’re buying is, instead of just blindly choosing one that takes your fancy and hoping for the best. There are surprisingly small treadmills on the market for smaller homes – all you have to do is look for them.

Some people complain of loud motors on some cheaper treadmills, and it can be annoying if you’re not used to it. A good solution is to put on the TV or listen to some music, which also helps with the boredom that many people experience when they just run on a treadmill and do nothing else at the same time.

The final point is one that is important to people who are training for actual races. As treadmills have no wind resistance, they are quite unsuitable for training for real outdoor running – you should be getting out there and doing it on a track instead. While a treadmill can come close to simulating wind resistance if you adjust its slope gradient, it’s not good enough for serious training, and you might injure yourself if you run a race after only training on a treadmill.

Trampoline Buyers Guide

If you're looking for a new way to add some fun to your backyard activities this season, why not consider buying a trampoline? Not only are trampolines a lot of fun, but they are also good exercise for you and the kids. And of course, they get the family out of the house, away from the TV, computer and video games and into the fresh air!

There are a couple of things you will want to keep in mind before buying a trampoline. They come in different sizes and shapes to meet your jumping needs, but you will want to buy a trampoline that is in proportion with the outdoor space you have available. You also want to keep in mind how many individuals will be utilizing the trampoline for not only size, but safety reasons also. Once you've got those numbers, you can begin looking for a trampoline that fits your lifestyle and maybe even some accessories to further enhance the fun factor.

Buying a trampoline is easy as there are many websites available that offer helpful buying and overall, general information about trampolines. You can find answers to any questions you might have regarding styles of trampolines, parts, safety concerns and even health benefits. Using the web, you can buy the entire set up online and have it shipped directly to your door!

One good source of information is a company called Fun Spot. They have a wide variety of trampolines and accessories and offer free shipping. Did you know that you can choose different colors for your trampoline's mat? Well Fun Spot lets you pick from four different colored fabrics. They also offer a UV protectant, heavy-duty webbing that is sewn onto the perimeter of the mat and doubles the life of stitching. That's great for saving time and money in consideration of not having to purchase replacement parts as often. Fun Spot claims to have the lowest prices and a trampoline to fit every budget. They also provide you with an 800 number for technical support over the phone. Their website is very informative with lots to see and you can visit them online at is another great website if you decide to look into buying a trampoline. This company is an invited member of the US Consumer Product Safety Commission's Product Safety Circle as well as a recipient of the Family Choice Gold Award. Jump Sport also offers free shipping and they even have a page for assembly tips once your trampoline has arrived. Their website is very educational with links to information on all of their trampolines, parts and accessories in addition to an extensive Safety and Health page.

After doing some research and checking out all of the options, if you have decided to buy a trampoline, you and your family can look forward to having a blast bouncing your way to fun in a healthy and safe way!

Treadmill Comparison: 3 Things You Must Know Before Buying

Buying a treadmill? You'll probably be making several treadmill comparisons when doing your research.

Here are 3 things you must know when making treadmill comparisons in order to find the best one for you.

#1 Compare Apples To Apples

Don't compare prices between treadmills online and treadmills sold at a store. They are two different marketplaces, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

When I was selling a Proform treadmill many years ago, the gentleman buying it had gone online and seen the same model for less. I had to explain to him that this price was an online price only. Buying a treadmill online can sometimes be considerably cheaper, depending on the manufacturer, sales, closeouts, etc.

So when comparing treadmill prices side by side, make sure you compare online treadmills to online treadmills and store treadmills to store treadmills.

Also make sure you're comparing the same models. It sounds obvious but some treadmill brands have so many similar sounding treadmills in their line-up it's easy to get confused!

#2 Know the Key Ingredients to a Quality Treadmill

Make sure you know the top 4 key ingredients to a quality treadmill:

- Motor Power
- Stability
- Warranty
- Cushioning

Your motor is the heart of your treadmill and adequate motor power is extremely important. Most experts recommend at least a 1.5 HP motor although I prefer a 2.0 HP or higher to ensure you don't burn the motor out (and then have to pay costly repair fees).

Stability ensures that your treadmill will not shake or wobble when you start to run on it.

Your warranty will protect your investment and quality treadmills will include a warranty. (You shouldn't have to pay extra for a treadmill warranty - unless you want to, of course!)

Cushioning is the ability of the treadmill to absorb the force of your step. Higher cushioning means lower impact on your joints and ligaments. Cushioning is extremely important as poor cushioning can cause injury and muscle strain

#3) Know What YOU Need When Reviewing Treadmills

Many people get sold on all of the 'neat' features of the treadmill - but don't ever consider if they'll really use them.

For example we'd all love to own a commercial-grade, luxury treadmill - but for many people, it's MORE than they need. On the other hand, a serious runner might actually need that kind of stability and cushioning in a treadmill.

If you don't really care about 30 workout programs, why pay extra for them? If you know your 6'2" son will be running on the treadmill, remember to look for one with a longer running area and adequate user weight capacity.

By knowing what you you need before comparing treadmills, you'll save yourself a lot of time and frustration.

So there you have it - keep these 3 points in mind when making treadmill comparisons and you'll be well on your way to making an excellent treadmill purchase! Enjoy and have fun!

Trampolines – Stay Safe While Having Fun

A trampoline is a device used by gymnasts, and is also used for recreational sport. It consists of a taut sheet made mostly of canvas that has coiled springs attached to a metal frame. The springs provide the rebounding force which propels the jumper high into the air. Trampolines are becoming very popular these days; everybody loves them! Athletes use them to enhance their motor skills and to bring refinement in their aerial moves. Skiers, skaters, divers and gymnasts - everybody uses them extensively. Kids love to spring and tumble on them, as it is a great fun filled pass time for them. Even grown ups use them for exercising.

Types of Trampolines:

There are outdoor trampolines as well as indoor trampolines. Outdoor trampolines are more convenient as you can place them anywhere, and the kids can also play anytime they want without creating chaos in the house. It is better to get zinc coated trampolines as you can leave them outside all the year round without any worry about them getting rusted. Trampolines usually come in three basic shapes: square, round, and rectangular. They also come in different sizes and different heights; usually ten, twelve, fourteen and fifteen feet. Gymnasts prefer rectangular shaped trampolines than round shaped as they can orientate themselves better on a rectangular trampoline.

Always buy good quality trampolines:

You should only buy good quality trampolines to avoid any unnecessary accidents. Make sure you check the springs, jumping mats, frame pads and frames. Always buy quality frame pads for better protection. You also should check the width, thickness and the quality of materials that have been used in making the frame pad.

The next thing that you must check is the jumping mat. Check if the stitches are made properly and if it is capable of withstanding the weight of an adult. Always buy a good quality jumping mat for long durability. The spring is also another part that you should check. The longer the spring is, the better the bounce would be. The frame is also an important part. It needs to be strong enough to withstand the weight of more than one person, as kids like to play in groups. The frame of a good trampoline should never bend, or bow when set up, nor should it flex when in use. It is advisable to buy your trampoline only from a trusted manufacturer and supplier.

Tips to avoid accidents:

Though trampolines are fun, you should always be careful as there are risks involved. Here are some tips to keep in mind to avoid accidents:

• Avoid keeping outdoor trampolines indoors, as there are always risks of hitting your head on the ceiling or the light fittings. When you keep the trampoline outside keep it in an empty space free away from clotheslines, tree limbs, fences, furniture, and other objects that may cause injuries if you fall off.

• If possible set the legs/supports of the trampoline down into the ground to reduce the distance of a fall.

• Always wear comfortable clothing so that you are free to move, and avoid wearing really long or loose pants as there are chances that limbs may get entangled in extra folds.

• Remove all jewelry before getting on. Do not keep any contents in your pocket. Wear only trampoline footwear - if you do not have it, go barefoot, or in socks.

• Never attempt to do any complicated tumbling without getting proper training. If you land in an incorrect position you may get seriously injured.

• Those learning to use a trampoline for the first time must do so under adult supervision. There should be someone to instruct them in simple maneuvers, and also who is well versed in first aid for injuries.

These days you can find trampolines in gyms as well. Organized clubs and gyms usually have spotters placed at each corner of the trampoline to assist and to break the fall of any athlete who loses control and falls. Having some training in a gym may be beneficial before bringing one home.

Trampoline Buying Tips

Trampolining is a fun activity, while offering a good exercise for the entire family. Once you develop the love for the trampoline in the minds of the family, they will get out of the house and break the sedentary habits of watching TV, sitting on computer and playing video games. So if you are looking for purchasing a trampoline, here are some useful guidelines to help you in buying the right trampoline.

What should I look for before buying a trampoline?
Trampolines are available in various shapes and sizes. But the one you buy should fit well within the open space available to you. You should consider the number of people who will be using the trampoline. This is very crucial from the safety point of view. After deciding on these issues, go for a trampoline that agrees completely with your style of living.

Where should I buy the trampoline?
It is very easy to buy a right trampoline. Many websites providing the necessary information have sprung up. They answer all your questions about trampoline styles, parts, safety issues and health benefits. They have a shopping section from where you can buy the entire set and get it at your doorstep without leaving the house.

Should I buy from Fun Spot?
Fun Spot is a popular website, offering a range of trampolines and their accessories. They provide free shipping. You can pick a mat of any color from their site. Their webbing is sturdy and UV protected and is stitched on the edges of the mat to double the lifespan of the stitches. This ensures the durability of the mat, thus saving time and money. Their prices are the lowest and you can get a trampoline within your budget. They provide technical support over the phone via an 800 number.

I have heard about Jumpsport. Tell me about it.
Jumpsport is a website that is a member of the US Consumer Product Safety Commission's Product Safety Circle. It has been awarded the Family Choice Gold Award. The site offers free shipping on all trampolines. They offer useful hints on assembling the trampoline once it reaches you. There are links providing information about their products, spares and accessories. You can also access the detailed safety and health page from the home page.

Trampolines: The Super Fun Way To Exercise And Play

Trampolines are a great way to play and enjoy the outdoors while getting good exercise and burning away all those extra calories. Enjoyed by kids and adults alike, trampolines are recommended not just for play parks or recreational areas for kids, but for the home backyard as well. A great time can be spent together with family and friends in jumping away on a trampoline.

Jump Away For Work And Play

Trampolines give those of us not into exercise so much the chance to work and play. Jumping up and down on the trampoline is not only fun, but a good way to burn away calories and remain in great shape. A trampoline that has been set up outdoors in the lawn or play area can be great fun for the entire family or just for friends who drop in for a workout. Even adults find jumping on the trampoline great fun and some are quite nostalgic about the games one can have on the trampoline.

Trampolines – What Are They Made Of?

Most trampolines have steel frames for support and have synthetic fiber that can resist the heavy weight of a person jumping on them. Made up of triangular pieces of fiber, the trampoline material is made up of high quality, which is designed to withstand great pressure. The steel frame is also weatherproofed and is generally not known to warp or bend. Firm stitching in place ensures the material does not tear, even when kids use it in a rough manner. They can be easily installed for outdoor use and can withstand most rough weather conditions. Some trampolines are even known to have survived hurricanes when left outside the homes in bad weather.

Health Benefits Of Using A Trampoline

Some of the health benefits of using a trampoline include lower risk of illness and increased agility amongst children. Small children learn to coordinate faster and become better at balancing themselves as they learn to jump up and down on the trampoline. Growing children attain greater flexibility and even adults will find that trampoline jumping is a surefire way to burn away all those extra calories. Besides these benefits, the trampoline is a good excuse to take the kids away from the television and into the outdoors.

Trampolines - Fun And Fitness Combined

If you're looking for a new way to add some fun to your backyard activities this season, why not consider a trampoline? Not only are trampolines a lot of fun, but they are also good exercise for you and the kids. And of course, they get the family out of the house, away from the TV, computer and video games and into the fresh air!

Trampolines are good exercise you say? Well yes, they are. Jumping up and down on the elasticized surface is great for strengthening the cardio-vascular system and it is also an excellent workout for almost every muscle and organ in your body. The rebounding action that happens when someone jumps on a trampoline is similar to a low-impact workout, but is easier on the back and joints because you are bouncing on the rubberized mat instead of landing on a hard surface. Jogging on a trampoline instead of the ground is better for you or the kids as well, for the same reason. Exercising on a trampoline can also be very helpful for adults and children because it helps to improve reflexes, flexibility, balance and coordination.

For those who might be concerned about safety issues, there is no longer a need for worry about things like accidentally landing on the ground instead of the trampoline surface either. If you are thinking about purchasing a trampoline, you can also buy a webbed, nylon safety net which fits around the entire circumference of the trampoline to keep all the happy jumpers right where they are supposed to be - on the trampoline. Depending on the size of the trampoline, you can get an appropriately sized safety net which attaches to poles that wrap around its entire perimeter. Then, if a jumper bumps into the net, it pushes them right back onto the trampoline instead having them landing on the ground! No worries!

There's also all kind of accessories you can use to add even more hours of fun to your trampoline activities. How about a basketball hoop that is specially manufactured to attach to the safety net frame? Think about how much fun the kids will have with their friends or siblings bouncing up and down, dunking the ball into the net. Kids love adventure so why not a tent that fits on top of the trampoline? Make it the setting for their next sleep over party. You can set the tent up on the trampoline surface and you've got another safe and fun way to satisfy their quest for excitement. There are even party kits you can purchase that come with all kinds of games that are specially designed for the trampoline. The packs come with things like jump ropes and specially-made, washable chalk for drawing pictures or an oversized tic-tac-toe game on the mat. Or draw a hopscotch board on the mat as another amusing game idea. Imagine the laughter coming from the kids as they hop around the board - priceless.

Trampolines are a fun, safe and healthy new way to entertain yourself and the kids. And you won't have to worry about where they are either because they'll be having a blast, right in your view, right in your own backyard!

Trampolines – Bounce Your Way to Health

Using a trampoline can be a great way to get fit with an added touch of fun you might not find in more traditional exercise pursuits. Activities like jogging and participating in sports might be ideal for those who love to zone out while exercising, or for those with that competitive edge, but for those who like to break a sweat while they break out in giggles, trampolining might just be the best path to fitness.

You might think trampolines are best left in the school gym, but these fitness tools are ideally situated in your home or garden. Available in a variety of sizes, from the mini trampolines that can be used indoors, to the larger variety more suitable for outdoor use, a short search should find you the right trampoline to meet your needs. And whether you are a fitness guru or just taking those first, tentative steps upon a healthier path, a trampoline can provide you with a great workout that will leave you energised and ready for anything.

Trampolines provide the exerciser with a repetitive, rhythmic movement that is ideal for even beginning fitness fanatics. Not only does the bouncing motion offered by the trampoline allow either a tantalising jump to new heights or a slower, more relaxing movement, but the exertion required to either hold yourself to rights or recover from all kinds of bouncy impacts utilizes a wide range of muscles, providing a workout that is easily as effective as it is fun.

Trampolines are as good for the mind as they are for the body. The new perspective offered by the trampoline and the fun and excitement it can provide are fantastic stress busters, rekindling in even the most overworked and overburdened nine to fiver a sense of fun and frolic that hasn’t been experienced in years! As experts recommend exercise for these stress releasing effects as much as for the physical fitness it affords, it’s clear that thirty minutes spent on the trampoline is as good as it gets!

Trampolining is a wonderful way to reach your healthy lifestyle goals. Combining exercise with good, clean fun, trampolining can help you bounce your way to a healthier you. So what are you waiting for? Jump to it!

Treadmill Machines For Cardio-Vascular Workouts

Treadmill machines are a great way to exercise. They are one of the best ways to have cardio vascular workouts. It helps to lose weight considerable as well as tone up muscles. Whether its raining outside or sunny outside, one can easily get on the treadmill machine and have a go. The best pat is one can listen to music and even read a book while on the treadmill. While on a cross trainer or a fitness rower, its no possible to do the same. Manual as well as powered treadmills is also available. The manual treadmills are much cheaper than the powered treadmills.

The various companies, which make a variety of treadmills, are Proform Weslo, Reebok, and Johnson. They make treadmills to suit every budget and workout. Beginners as well as those who want an advanced workout can use treadmills. The prices of treadmill machines start from $300 and these treadmill machines can even cost as much as $3000. Of course the more expensive treadmill machines offer a variety of functions and are meant more for gym use rather than home use. The treadmills, which are meant for home use, can even be folded away. The running belt wraps around the console and thus it can be stowed away.

The more expensive versions of the treadmill machines have a variety of functions. They also have a console, which offers many resistance levels. The incline of the treadmill can also be adjusted. Therefore the treadmill can simulate the action of walking uphill. Those who want an advanced workout should opt for treadmill machine, which will help them in their workout, thus treadmill machines offer a variety of advantages for the runner. The control panel on the treadmill machine also gives the reading for the heart rate; pulse rate, the miles covered and speed can be adjusted as per convenience.

Treadmill Buying Basics

Treadmills are a large investment financially and in your fitness, therefore much thought and preparation should go into the purchase of your new treadmill.

Having your treadmill motor blow up or your belt warp severely after only a few months use is not something you want, so here are a few basic treadmill buying tips.

Warranty - Any treadmill brand worth its weight will offer a nice warranty on their product. Usually the motor, parts, and labor will be covered under different warranties. Make sure you get at least a 5 year warranty on you motor. After the treadmill purchase make sure you abide by the warranty and send in any user registrations if required.

Walking Surface - How big is the surface you actually walk or run on? My first treadmill had a 16 inch width that seemed fine in the store, however after further usage I found myself always aware of where the sides were and extra careful not to "step off the edge". Make sure the width of your treadmill will be comfortable for everyone in your household (I prefer 20 inch widths) and also the length is long enough for the long legged members of your family.

Weight Limit - Most treadmills have a weight limit. Too much weight can put a strain on the frame, belt, and especially motor of the treadmill. Make sure your potential treadmill has a weight limit to accommodate all of its potential users to avoid putting undue wear and tear on your new treadmill.

Test Things Out - Get on your treadmill and give it a test drive. Does everything work as the advertisement states? Try the heart monitor if it's a feature, does it appear to be working properly? Is the treadmill quiet to your liking, or will it be an annoyance when home? Are the displays big enough for you to see easily?

Safety - Make sure your new treadmill has an emergency stop mechanism. This can help prevent serious injuries during malfunction or accidents.

Additional Features - Treadmills come in many shapes and sizes with various features. Some additional features you may look for are a water bottle holder, calorie counter, book stand, incline, and preset and programmable workout routines.

Once you've made your final treadmill buying decision, make sure you shop around for the best price for your new treadmill. Getting all the features you want at the price you want makes for happy treadmilling!

Treadmill Maintenance -- 11 Tips for the care of your treadmill

So, you've spent the weeks you needed to research, try out, choose and purchase your brand new treadmill. You've gotten it assembled and begun your daily what now? Well, even the highest end commercial treadmills need a bit of love and affection to keep them purring like a kitten. This guide will tell you everything you need to know to keep your treadmill in tip top shape.

Tip #1
The first thing you are going to want to do is get a good treadmill mat to go underneath your unit. Despite what you think, a treadmill mat isn't as much for protecting your floor as for protecting your treadmill. You see, a treadmill's motor builds up a huge static charge as you work out. The charge will suck dust, lint and debris into your motor, causing it to clog and run inefficiently. The more gunk in your motor the worse it will run and the shorter its lifespan will be. Sliding a nice treadmill mat underneath your equipment will help reduce that static and the amount of stuff getting sucked up in it. As a bonus, you'll also be protecting your floor and carpet. Watch out for cheap mats, tho. If you pick up a budget treadmill mat you run the risk of having it stain your hardwood floor or stick to your carpet. Supermat is a great brand of treadmill mat and can be purchased for as low as $35.

Tip #2
Sticking with dust and dirt, make sure to dust/clean your treadmill once every other week. Take special care with the belt area as any build up should be cleaned off right away or you'll risk reduced performance.

Tip #3
I know it's going to sound over obvious, but make sure to keep your power cord well away from the base of the unit and the incline mechanism. You have no idea how many cords we end up replacing on our service calls.

Tip #4
If you find your belt slipping, it may be because the belt tracking is off. You can adjust your tracking the same way you make sure the belt is properly aligned, with the alignment screws at the rear of your treadmill. An allen wrench is all you need. A quick quarter clockwise turn should tighten everything back up. Make sure never to turn either side more than a quarter turn at any given time because you the adjustments levels are very fine. Keeping your belt aligned will reduce the load on you treadbelt and belt guides. Check out your owner's manual for more information.

Tip #5
A lot of times the cause of miss aligned on a treadbelt is from the unit not being level. Make sure to get your treadmill level.

Tip #6
Unless specifically isntructed by your owner's manual, do not use silicone or oils to lubricate your treadmill's deck. A clean, dry, dust-free bed and belt combination is ideal for a long-lasting treadmill. If your manual recommends the use of a silicone spray for lubrication, make sure to precisely follow application and scheduling instructions. Some treadmill decks may require initial waxing to help reduce friction with the belt. Do not wax a deck unless recommended by the manufacturer. Lubrication to pretreated wax decks may interfere with the wax.

Tip #7
The lowest level of friction between your belt and deck is desired. If the amount of friction is too high, you'll end up with damage and wear to both your motor and your year. The best way to judge a low friction belt is that it will slide when the power is off and you can manually walk the belt when the treadmill is powered down. Improper lubrication can lead to overworking your motor.

Tip #8
One of the main problems on most treadmills (home and commercial) is in the control board. As with any computer, the treadmill's control board is subject to power surges, improper grounding and so on. The best way to protect your treadmill's computer brain is to unplug it when not in use and use a grounded plug when powered on.

Tip #9
Read your user's manual. I know, I know..."who really reads those darn things?" Well, you should. Just about everything you need to know will be found in that little book that came with your treadmill. Pop it open while you're in the bathroom for a good read.

Tip #10
Never operate your treadmill while wet. Bad idea for so many reasons.

Tip #11
Last but not least, if you are having trouble with your treadmill and need it fixed...then call the Treadmill Sensei! That's what we do! (Ok, so it's a shameless plug...but it's my website so nyah).

Anyway, a few simple steps and you'll be able to take care of your treadmill so it can continue to help take care of you for years to come

-The Treadmill Sensei

Treadmill Review: Landice

Landice has an excellent reputation for building quality treadmills. These are not your mass merchant specials with 90 day parts and labor warranties. In fact, Landice offers a lifetime warranty on their treadmills, which says something about their durability.

Landice has been selling treadmills for a number of years. Their focus is to build sturdy treadmills with the best components available. The result is machines that are built to last and are capable of taking a beating. Of course, that comes at a price. Their least expensive treadmill starts at $3,100, and their commercial grade models top off at $5,000. Let’s just say, you don’t want these treadmills to end up as clothes racks.

So what do you get for your money?

As mentioned, Landice utilizes the best components available for treadmills. For example, they equip their machines with 3.0 hp continuous duty Baldor motors. These motors are monsters in comparison to most treadmill motors. There are a number of companies that claim their treadmills have 3.0 hp motors, but if you were to compare them to the Baldor motor there would be a noticeable difference in the size. This powerful motor assures that the treadmill will run at even the highest speeds without straining.

Landice uses a 4-ply treadbelt, the majority of competitors use 2-ply. Although costing significantly more, this 4-ply belt provides twice the strength of a 2-ply belt. It also adds additional cushioning to reduce impact.

Another quality component that Landice installs are 2.5” rollers. These are the same rollers used in the best commercial treadmills. The larger the roller diameter the less tension required on the treadbelt, since the roller has more surface area to grab the belt. Decreased tension means decreased friction and longer life on belts, motor, bearings and the rollers themselves.

As you can see these treadmills are built to institutional standards, in fact Landice has over 20,000 treadmills placed in health clubs around the world. And unlike every other fitness manufacturer that builds treadmills, Landice only produces treadmills. They are not also building, elliptical trainers, strength machines and stationary bicycles. Their focus is solely treadmills.

Who should buy a Landice treadmill?

Individuals who are going to abuse a treadmill. We’re talking serious runners, including competitors and marathon runners. These treadmills are ideal for people who push their equipment to the limit.

Landice Receives “Best Buy” Recommendations

In the past Landice has received a top pick from one of the most popular consumer rating magazine. Landice has also received a number of “Best Buy” ratings. Treadmill Doctor states, "An incredibly solid treadmill. Some cheaper treadmills may be better for some people but if you're serious, this is a serious machine."

Men’s Fitness Magazine had these comments on the Landice L7 Executive Trainer: “If you want the best - and can afford it - the L7 is the bad boy.”

If you want a treadmill that can withstand strenuous use, then you should consider Landice. They are built to last and may just out last you.

Treadmill Ratings - What Most People Don't Know About Treadmill Ratings

If you're buying a treadmill, chances are you'll want to research before you buy. Everyone wants to get the best deal for a discount price. They also want to find the best treadmill to suit their workout needs.

So you'll probably be interested in looking at various treadmill ratings or reviews. But why are there so many different ratings and which one is the most accurate? Here's a few things most buyers don't know about treadmill ratings.

There are really 2 types of treadmill ratings:

1) Consumer Ratings

2) Expert Ratings

User Treadmill Ratings:

Consumer treadmill ratings are done by the layperson who has bought and used the specific treadmill. Many websites allow anyone to go online and post a review of their treadmill.

Customer reviews and ratings can be very valuable when searching for a treadmill - however keep in mind several things:

#1) No treadmill has a 100% perfect track record. Even the BEST treadmill manufacturers sometimes make a dud.

And it's usually the people that have had BAD experiences that leave negative reviews of their treadmills, not the many that have had good experiences with the same treadmill.

They have every right to do this and hopefully the treadmill manufacturers read these reviews and do something about them. Just remember that one bad review doesn't prove it's a low quality brand.

#2) The treadmill industry is growing more competitive each year. And marketing is a huge portion of the treadmill industry since treadmill manufacturers KNOW you're going to research treadmill ratings before you buy.

So while I'm not making any accusations, I have read 'customer reviews' that are clearly NOT written by the average buyer. They sound like they're written by somebody working for the competition - someone well versed in the art of sales psychology and who knows more about treadmills than the average person. Again, not making any accusations here - just keep this in mind when reading user ratings online.

Rule of Thumb: Use common sense. If it sounds like it's written by a treadmill salesperson, take the treadmill review with a grain of salt.

Expert Treadmill Ratings:

There are also expert treadmill ratings. These are the ratings written by the experts in the fitness industry. People like Consumer Reports, Runner's World, Consumer Guide, Men's Health, Prevention Magzine are just a few out there. These people rate and review various treadmills at various times in the year.

While these ratings are much less likely to be tainted by biased reviewers, here are a few cautions to keep in mind while reading them:

#1) Each rater has a different rating system and may rate treadmills on such factors as price, cushioning, stability, quietness, belt area, warranty, console, electronics, programs, incline and quality of parts.

So while one reviewer may put more emphasis on cushioning the other may put more emphasis on warranty. It's nothing to get confused over - just understand that different experts value different features. They'll usually have an area where they list exactly how they rated the treadmills and which features they valued highly in their review.

#2) Expert ratings also usually don't have time to look at EVERY treadmill brand on the market. Nobody does. We've been reviewing treadmills for over 3 years and we still haven't covered all the brands.

So just because a certain brand isn't in the ratings, doesn't make it a poor quality brand. Try to find other reviews on a brand if you can't find it in your favorite expert ratings list.

One last thing: Many treadmill ratings are also based on comparison to other similarly priced treadmills on the market.

So if you have a $1000 treadmill that gets 5 stars - that doesn't necessarily mean that it's better than a $2000 treadmill that gets 4 stars. It means that compared to other $1000 treadmills it is one of the best values.

By remembering these things when sifting through treadmill ratings, you're less likely to be confused. And it will be easier to choose the best quality treadmill for your needs.